Backend Blueprint is written by the ‘Original Back End Specialist’ Steve Rosenbaum, mentor to Honk Marketing’s Jamie Houston – the ‘Back End’ guy!
Giving away powerful customer conversion secrets for ANY business, you will learn how two thirds of all businesses are throwing their marketing money down the toilet because they don’t know how to identify, communicate, follow-up with and build a relationship with the people they are trying to reach.
Businesses of all types and sizes will benefit from reading Backend Blueprint. After investing in this book you will learn:
- Why “The Money Is In The Back End” and how to quickly restructure their marketing processes to stop hemorrhaging valuable prospects.
- Why most companies can’t accurately track their marketing efforts, and what they can do to immediately make their current advertising more effective.
- How companies can quickly gather critical intelligence so that they can make better, more informed decisions that lead to more profitability and greater ROI.
Backend Blueprint is a great book that will teach you powerful strategies that can quickly help you find more prospects and convert those prospects into paying customers and champions of the business.
Leads you pay for today via sales efforts, trade shows, advertising, Yellow Pages, Direct Mail, SEO, etc., are costing you too much. Apply the Backend Blueprint to your business today, and be amazed at how quickly you start seeing results!
Find out today how the ‘Back End’ guy, Jamie Houston of Honk Marketing can empower your company with more meaningful intelligence about your business. Call him on 0220 475 253 or go here.